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October 20, 2006

Mistress R and sluppy

It had been almost six months since Mistress had ordered me to stop getting haircuts, and my hair by now was almost touching my shoulders. As I drove to the beauty salon, I was literally shaking in fear. At the same time, though, her penis was hard as a rock. The address turned out to be a house in a residential area. My stomach was in knots and I was torn up with all kinds of conflicting emotions and feelings. Even as I parked the car, I didn’t know if I would be able to go through with it, but somehow, I forced myself out of the car. A sign in the front yard indicated that the beauty salon was in the back.

I found the salon in what appeared to be an annex of the main house. I tried the door and it opened. Steeling myself one last time, I entered. Inside, I found two women, busy cleaning and setting things up. I was relieved to see that I appeared to be the only customer, since it was apparently earlier than their normal business hours. One of them turned to greet me. “Good morning. How can I help you?”

“I am here for an 8:00 appointment for Roberta,” I stuttered

“Oh yes,” she said. “Please sit here and I’ll be right with you.” Time seemed to crawl by as I sat there waiting, and I felt as if I would die any moment from embarrassment. Finally, the woman returned. As she led me to a sink and washed my hair, she explained that she had already been told how I wanted my hair. “You’ll be out of here in no time.” She quickly went to work, and I was happy to find out that I was only given a style cut, which was a relief. It was a distinctly feminine cut, but I knew that I could deal with it at work with my trusty baseball cap. When she was done, I paid her $45 and left. As I got in the car, I decided to continue on to the next appointment, since the first had gone by so well. I guess I had been expecting to be humiliated or worse, but the women there had been completely professional at all times. Aside from simply being there, it hadn’t been that bad.

Things were about the same at the manicurist, although I was not the only customer there, which was slightly embarrassing when I identified myself as “Roberta.” However, this appointment went almost as well as the first. Just the fact that it was a manicure was somewhat more embarrassing to me than a hair cut, but I did manage to almost enjoy the first manicure of my life. I liked the touch of the woman’s hands on mine as she expertly worked on my longer than normal nails. (My Mistress had ordered me to let them grow as well.) Near the end of the manicure, the girl stopped and asked me, “Roberta, you did say you wanted the red polish, didn’t you?”

I almost died on the spot, but I managed to nod my head. I watched in horror as she skillfully painted each and every one of my newly shaped nails a terribly bright shiny red. “Be careful until those dry,” she admonished as I rushed to pay the bill and get out of there.

Back in my car, I took a few moments to try and regain my composure. After all, it was over now and it hadn’t really been that bad. I checked out the nails, making sure that they were ok. I sure didn’t want them messed up now. Involuntarily, my ass wiggled in the seat, and I felt the panties against my skin and the plug filling Mistress’s ass. All in all, I was pleased once again that I was able to obey.

I started the car and headed towards my final appointment, my meeting with Mistress R…

Mistress had selected a Denny’s restaurant for our meeting. She had told me to meet her there at noon, but I showed up at 11:45 am. I did not want to take any chance of being late and displeasing her, or worse. Time seemed to slow to a crawl as I sat there in the waiting area near the front counter, keeping my hands buried in my lap to hide my newly painted red nails.

More than once, a waitress stopped by and asked me if I needed anything. I told them no, I was waiting for a friend. I’m sure I must have looked awfully nervous, scared even, and the workers seemed to keep glancing at me. It was almost as if the knew.

Patiently, I sat there, waiting for my Mistress to show up. I kept a close eye on the walkway outside leading up to the restaurant. I had a very good description of her, and I knew what she would be wearing, so I knew I would have no problem spotting her.

At around 12:15 pm, I began to wonder if perhaps I was at the wrong Denny’s. I tried to think back to when she told me to meet her, and now, I wasn’t so sure that this was the one she met. Finally, around 12:30 pm, I got up and asked the man at the counter if there were any other Denny’s nearby. He said that there was.

Now I was almost paralyzed with fear. If I showed up at the wrong Denny’s, I would almost certainly never be allowed to hear from my Mistress again, and that really scared me. To say I was a little indecisive at that moment would definitely be an understatement. I decided to wait a little while longer before admitting that I made a mistake.

At 12:55 pm, after I had been fidgeting there for 1 hour and 10 minutes already, I saw her. She was walking up the walkway towards me, and I instantly knew it was her. I got up and held the door open for her. She strolled past me and went directly to the counter, and I followed her inside. Soon, we were seated at table, facing each other.

“You waited for me,” she said. “Good. You passed your first test.” Although she was not beautiful, she had a lovely smile, and the power and confidence that she radiated strongly attracted me to her. I felt myself becoming even more submissive just by being near her. “Of course, I kept you waiting on purpose.”

We were seated at a table in the corner, and at the table next to us, a couple sat about five feet away. I squirmed as my Mistress talked, hoping our neighbors couldn’t hear what she was saying. Although I desperately wanted to take in every detail of Mistress R., my eyes just naturally seemed to focus on the table between us. I couldn’t bring myself to look up into her eyes. I kept my hands under the table, where I played with them nervously.

A waitress appeared and interrupted us, and without asking me what I wanted, Mistress ordered for both of us. She ordered an iced tea for herself and a piece of pie for me. While she was doing this, I took the chance to glance under the table to admire her feet, ankles, and legs. She was wearing a pair of low heeled shoes that showed up almost all of her feet. The waitress left and she caught me looking at her feet.

“Look at me,” she said. I jumped, then slowly brought my gaze up until I was looking directly looking at her. I couldn’t make eye contact with her for more than a few seconds, and my eyes kept looking elsewhere. “Why don’t you put your hands on the table?” she said softly.

I did as she said, my hands now resting out in the open. I thought I caught one of our neighbors glancing at my nails. I was so embarrassed, and I desperately wanted to yank my hands back down into my lap, but I couldn’t. I glanced up at Mistress, and she was smiling. She seemed pleased.

“So,” she continued, “you like Star Trek, do you?”

“Yes.” I couldn’t believe how small my voice sounded. How did she make me sound like that? I realized that it was the very first time I had spoken since I had met her.

“Do you remember that episode of the Next Generation,” she asked. “The one on the planet that was ruled by women?”

“Yes,” I replied. Why did her voice sound so loud? I glanced over at the other couple, and I could almost swear that they were listening.

At that moment, we were interrupted by the return of our waitress with our order. She set our food down, and I saw her do a double-take at my hands, which were still out on display. If I didn’t happen to be so embarrassed at the moment, it would almost have been funny.

I looked down, staring at the pie Mistress had ordered me. Suddenly, I was so humiliated, I just wanted get out of there. Even as that thought occurred to me, I knew that I would never leave. I was hooked. All of this, including the humiliation, I realized, was something that I needed. Even more than that, I needed the chance to serve and please a woman like Mistress R., who easily took control of me the way I seemed to need.

I thought about eating my pie, but almost instinctively, I knew that I should wait. Mistress R.’s voice brought me back to the topic at hand. “Did you like that episode?”


“I thought it was very good, too. I liked the thought of a planet where the women are stronger than the men.” Now, there was no denying it. The couple next door WAS glancing over at us, and I just knew that they were hearing everything. “Of course, that is exactly the way it should be. Don’t you agree?”


She smiled again, then an uncomfortable silence fell between us. I couldn’t bring myself to look at her, but I could feel her eyes on me, almost as if she was appraising me. I tried my best to hold still and to not look to nervous, but I realized that I was shaking all over.

“You may have a bite now.”

With a quivering hand, I picked up my fork, my red nails clearly visible now, and ate a small bite. It occurred to me that I wasn’t the least bit hungry. Sitting across from me, Mistress watched me closely. I finished the bite and set the fork back down.

Suddenly, she stood up. “We are going now,” she said. “Leave a tip.”

With that, she walked out of the restaurant. I had to run and find our waitress, get the check from her, then pay it at the counter. I got outside and ran to catch up, reaching her just as she got to her car. She got out her keys and gave them to me. “You will drive.” I opened the passenger door for her and she got in. Soon, I was sitting in the driver’s seat.

“Take me to your apartment,” she ordered.


[This is ‘based on a true story’. Almost everything I have written here is true EXCEPT that I only met Mistress R. once for about two hours. We met at the Denny’s, then she stopped by my apartment for 30 minutes. Aside from getting caught staring at her feet and just generally feeling submissive around her, nothing else happened. Soon after that, she said that her husband was getting too jealous of her online fun, so she said goodbye. As I wrote this down, I just felt like embellishing it a bit, so I did. — sluppy]

by Sluppy

1 Comment »

  1. Oh my gosh! Fantastic reading, hot and exciting! i am so proud of him for following his Domme’ orders. Pain or not. He sets a wonderful example for me as I continue to search and experiment with my Dom searches. Thank you for the wonderful depiction. You did a great job. Happy fucking!

    Comment by Geisha — January 19, 2007 @ 1:38 am

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